
The 6-figure income dream: Here are 5 reasons why you give up.

What motivated your start hasn't motivated your continuity. And you are giving up.

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Six figure salary jobs exist but is not for everyone. This is because, they come with some amount of responsibilities and also accountability. Now if your dream of having a successful life means earning a 6 figure income, then you need to know what you can to do earn it. 

So what can you do to earn it? What jobs will pay you a six figure annual salary to keep you busy? First, what does six figure even mean? This post will answer that question for you but will also look at the reason why for some people, earning that amount of money will only remain a dream.

The meaning of six figures

There are no intricate and complicated definitions of the word six figure. These are two words which combined together sound like one. Six is a number and one definition of the word figure, is that it represents a number, a quantity, an amount and so on, etc. 

In simple terms, and used in this sense, figure can be any amount or number that you want it to be. Adding the six gives you an exact amount of figures. And so six figure is simply a number value of six digits. Translate this into a monetary value and you have something like this,

100.000. This is one-hundred thousand. Add any monetary symbol before it, for example the dollar sign, and you have $100,000 or one-hundred thousand dollars.
This in essence is what six figure means. 

And so anyone telling you they are earning a six figure income is simply telling you that they are earning a 100,000 in whatever currency, be it dollar, pounds or euro. Now mind you that a six figure income can be any amount ranging from $100,000 to $999,999. 

The moment you reach the one million mark, you have shifted from earning six figures to seven figures. So what jobs pay you 6 figure incomes?

The jobs that pay six figures

Wherever you are and in whatever country you live in, there are people earning 6 figure incomes annually from salaried jobs. To give you an idea of how much they earn in a year, here is a rough calculation,

- $100.000/12 months = $8.333. To earn a six figure annual income means to have a monthly income of about $8,333.

- $8,333/30 days = $277. In a 30 day period to earn $8,333 means to have a daily income of about $277.

- $277/12 hours = $23.15. To earn $277 requires you to work 12 hours a day at $23.15 per hour.

Based on the above calculation, the number of work hours you will have to put in would be,

12hrs x 30 days = 360 work hours. In a year this would be about 131,400 work hours. This of course would have to include even working on weekends too. 

However, every work environment is different and so there could be work arrangements in some places that could favor working the same amount of time without having to work during the weekends and even holidays.

So what jobs really pay you six figures?

A 2019 MSN Money report listed 77 jobs with six figure salaries This report was presented as a slide show and highlighted among other things, what professions earn you six figures, the annual income earned and the typical entry-level educational requirements.

The first eleven spots went to the medical profession with the number one spot going to Anesthiologist with an annual average income of $265,990. The number twelve spot is where we find the Chief executive who takes home $191,050, a year. 

This is followed at number thirteen by the Pediatrician who takes home an annual average income of about $187,540. Airline pilots, co-pilots and flight engineers come at the number 16 spot taking home $161,280 annually. 

While the list is dominated by the medical profession, there is space for engineers, lawyers, marketing mangers, and lots more. If your ambition is to earn a six figure annual income, understand what it takes to get the job. 

For example, all six figure salary jobs require you to have a degree from a higher institution. The typical entry-level educational requirement ranges from a bachelor's degree for engineering and doctoral, master's or a professional degree for the medical profession.

Now if you were completely motivated about earning a 6-figure income doing a 9-5 job, you have some idea of what it requires to earn that amount of money. But alas there could be a better way to earn the same amount of money online, right?

The six figure dream

The digital world has made people become more and more independent and pursue their dreams, rather than waste much of their time working a 9-5 job. And yes there are people who have come from nowhere to make six figure incomes online.

But the idea of making a six figure income over the years has been hyped to extremes that anyone who got started was motivated to start by some inspirational guru. And the thinking then was that if you started out right now, in a matter of time-perhaps in as little as six months or one year, you would also become a six figure income earner. 

Now while being motivated to start something is good, motivation alone will not help you succeed. Your success in any online venture, be it affiliate marketing, e-commerce, 
or your own line of business selling your off line products online, needs a lot work to get it to where you want to it to be.

 And once you know what is needed to succeed, you can adjust your motivational levels to meet those expectations. Knowing what it takes to succeed, drives most people into thinking that alas the claimed successes chanted around, as something that would come so quickly, may not coming at the much expected pace.

So what happened?

Reasons your expectations of being successful online is not being met

So finally you have it all set up: a blog, an e-commerce website and you are proud of your efforts. Sure, you've invested some of your hard-earned money into buying original themes so your site will look attractive. 

You've done all you can by buying the necessary digital tools to make your site function efficiently. To keep things professional, you've even signed up for a hosting plan. This is a huge strides towards self-realization and you are extremely proud of your achievements.

But now it's time to make money from your blog or e-commerce website because, you want a return on your investment soon.

But here is the sad truth

Everyone that starts out wanting to make money online by creating an online business or blog has high hopes of quick returns. However and within a short period of time, when most people don't see any income or return on investment(ROI), 

they decide that this whole idea of making money blogging or from e-commerce is either a scam, or isn't working for them and so they give. But why?

Here are 5 reasons why you give up

1) You are being promised more that you're getting

Everyday more and more people realize how hard it is for them to make money from their blogs or e-commerce sites. Spun by the desire to emulate so-called six figure online money-makers, they decide 

to quickly invest in the idea of making money this way. But once they start, they soon find out the reality of it all. It involves a lot more than what you are doing. And yes, while some make money they do not make as much as they are being 

made to believe they will make once they start out.

The reality of it all boils down to one things; and that is you are not being told what you need to know to get you working in the right direction.

Rather, you are only being promised that one day YOU WILL GET THERE! 

Think about it.

You find a good offer that promises you'll  make money off of your blog in about six months or less if you follow such and such a method, say for example to boost traffic. 

The 6 figure dream, which way?

When you follow that method, you are soon being fed with another creative way that will help you. And so it goes on and on. What started with one system ends up with you having to follow more than one system. 

This is confusing and you are stuck at which system or method works best. To make matters worse, some of the methods require you to pay some amount of money if you want to use them to see results.

Backed by this confusion as to which way to go, you finally give up.

2) You are not investing in the knowledge of knowing how something works

You are constantly being bombarded with offers that promise an outstanding method to help you grow your income from blogging or e-commerce. While most of these offers turn out to be useful, 

it sometimes occurs that what is needed to use these methods or systems, is to study them thoroughly to gain the knowledge necessary to deploy them and see how they actually work.

Are you investing your time in gaining the knowledge on how they work before putting them to use?

Take for example social media Ads. Not every Ad will produced the result you desire. There are ways of doing it that can really get you actual results. Gain the knowledge of how to do it before spending money on Ads.

3) You want to do it on your own.

Yes everyone wants to do it on their own and through their own efforts. The majority of people prefer to sometimes set things up for themselves. For example considering how easy it is to create a website these days.

Many will do it for themselves without the knowledge of how to do it so it looks orderly and attractive. While you may want to do things for yourself, this is not possible as they say, no man is an island

And even though your own efforts are necessary, you will still need guidance from other knowledgeable people in your chosen niche. You will still need to learn from the experience of those who were once where you are now, and have sailed through difficulties to succeed.

4) You jump into something because everyone else is into it

Starting something because someone else is doing it and is successful will amount to failure. This is especially true when you have no prior knowledge of what it takes to be successful in the line of business that for exampleMr. XYZ is into.

 You see the results and feel if they can do it, then you can do it too. So you go ahead and set up, for example, an e-commerce website, trying to sell the exact same items that Mr. XYZ is selling. 

What you don't know is that behind XYZ's success there may have been a string of unrecorded failures which did not deter them from pursuing their dreams of succeeding. And this may have taken them as much over three years to get it right.

Since you don't see the struggle they put in, you see them as an overnight success and try to emulate them. When you don't see that success in the expected time, you give up. 

5) You are not putting in time and effort

Your day job is important if you have one. But your online side gig is also important. That e-commerce website you set up as a side income needs your attention. Now most people are of the idea that once, their site is up and running, 

it will automatically bring in sales.

But the fact is, much effort is needed to bring the site to a level where it will bring in sales as if on auto-pilot. This requires much marketing and promotion efforts to get traffic and visitors attention. 

And so you need to constantly put in time and effort to see how things are going and also to stay abreast of new developments. If you don't have the time, and you have the resources, 

you can always hire someone  to help you while you focus on you day job or whatever other activity takes you out of the house in the morning.

Putting into consideration the five points above, you are at the point of frustration and want to give up and throw away your efforts by finally quitting.

But should you quit or should you fight back?

If you decide to quit then you 've just told yourself your not cut out for the online hustle. And your six figure income goal is just a dream. Should you decide not to quit, then you need to see what you can do to change the situation.

Here are a few things you should know.

a) Creating a successful blog takes some effort and time.

Try putting up a blog or an online store today without content and see if you'll make money with it the next day. You might just be disappointed. That's because on an average, 

it takes about 2-3 years of blogging to see results. With an online store it might take less time.

But to be successful with your blog requires having quality content and above all traffic. The more quality content you put out and the more traffic you get, will automatically shoot your blog to a new level.

You can now monetize your blog and earn from it. But this will not happen overnight. So if you are expecting to see results in the next six months of starting, you might be disappointed.

Tip: First create a blog, fill it with quality content and then drive traffic to it. Once that traffic turns into subscribers, monetize your blog.

b) Committment must meet expectations

If you have told yourself that, within a matter of months after setting up your e-commerce store, you're going to hit the 6-figure income level, this is not surprising. 

Your expectations in this sense are good. But reality might tell a different story.
Since you have such great hopes of making say, a 100k in the next six months,

you should also be armed with the same level of commitment. Where this is lacking, then hitting the 6-figure level will only be a dream.

Tip: Don't stretch your expectations too thin. You might not make it to reach your six month target. And with all the work you put in, 

you might wear yourself when the real struggle starts. Extend the length of time to reach your target to say, 1 or 2 years and work towards it.

c) Starting something is hard

You have to understands that starting something is hard. And that means your online store or blog in the beginning, will need much work and all the effort you can put into it. 

And you know, in the beginning you won't get so many things right. That is unless you've already had past experiences building online stores or creating your own blogs.

But if you haven't and you are a deep novice, then you've got a lot of learning to do just to get things right. And this might take you some time, if you don't give up sooner.

Tip: In the beginning don't rush. Take your time to learn and understand how things work. You won't make it overnight. But if you take small strides you'll be well on your way to achieving your goals.

Finally one last word

 Whether you've decided to quit or you are still undecided if you should continue, a six figure income dream comes with a determination that will require you to step out of your comfort zone to find ways to make it work. It requires patience, perseverance and a strong will to beat the odds. Giving up may simply mean that  you never believed in your dreams.



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